Who it is for

Those that are ready to remember who they are.

Those that wish to come back into their body. To be deeply present on earth.

Those that want to live a deeply fulfilled, heart led life.

Those that want their voices to roar, to never hold back when the need to speak arises.

Those seeking to be unapologetically themselves.

Those that wish to live with a courage that does not waiver.

Who it is not for

❌  Those that are not ready to own their shadows.

❌  Those that feel there is no more growth for them.

❌  Those still wanting to allow their fears to run their life.


We created this program as a catalyst for your deep transformational change.

It is designed for those that are ready, those willing to confront all that they are not, in order to remember who they are.

This program will be deep, it will be transformational and it will serve as a catalyst for the rest of your life.

We will be confronting all that you are not whilst transforming the dark to light.


Are you ready to experience the next level of living?

Are you ready to remember why you came?

Are you ready to open up, spiritually, emotionally and physically?

A lot of the time we contract our life force based on some of the memories being held in our body

Are you ready to excavate it all?

Over the course of 6 months as a group, we will dive into deep transformation of all the old patterns, beliefs and traumas holding you back. You will find all that you have always been. This will be activated through remembering your connection to the divine. Your spirit will be soaring with the eagles and flying in the way that was intended for you.

This process will be deep and is not for the faint hearted. For those willing, a whole new world awaits.

If you feel the call, to transform all that old energy into the truth of all you have always been. Come back into a state of remembrance and find a power in your voice beyond what you have ever known then join us!

We are going to go on a 6-month journey like no other, where self-responsibility is found, your true power awakened, and your voice will roar and echo through all of time.

A group where all of you is welcome, you are encouraged to roar and be loud in a way that is aligned with your heart.

If you have been yearning for your true purpose to land on your lap, to take control of your motivation, your life and for your heart and soul to be uncompromisingly excited with all that you have to offer the world, then join us!

This is the opportunity for you to build a solid connection with your own heart and internal guidance system, to know right from wrong through this communication, to eradicate the need to go into the head to try and work it out when the heart already has the truth.

This will be a no holds barred experience where your voice and your roar will be encouraged. You will have the tools to go as deeply as you wish into all your past hurts, confronting and transforming everything.

You will become the alchemist of your own life and the ruler of your own emotional spectrum. The master of courage and an advocate for your heart’s voice. Come and join us and experience the freedom that you feel your soul is calling for.

Make an investment in your future

For those committed and looking to completely transform their life in a truly short period of time the exchange is AUD $3995.

Only 16 places available.

Start date: 6th May 2021

If you have any questions about joining the program feel free to contact us on our contact page here.

Pay in Full Now

AUD $3995

Secure your place and get in quick!


AUD $500

Pay your deposit to secure your place! Balance of AUD $3495 due by 10th April.

What you will get

18 live online transformational group sessions.

Lifetime access to all of the recordings as well as pre recorded video series.

Private Telegram group where no question is too small and access to the facilitators is unlimited.

A deep connection with a group of likeminded souls where lifelong friendships will be made.
Tools to be able to go into and clear out your own body.
A home massage equipment package as well as an explanation video on how to use all of the equipment. This is a great tool for grounding back into the body.
An ability to effectively communicate with your heart, creating a deep connection and trust within. You will be able to ask questions and seek guidance on any issue that arises in your life, navigating challenges with ease and grace.

An unwavering courage where you go into the world with your head held high. Able to speak your truth unapologetically. You will no longer crumble or shy away when it is time to speak.

A deeper connection with your inner child, where fun and play becomes an essential component of your everyday life.

Satisfaction guarantee

If you complete the program and have attended all the sessions and you are not happy with your results, let us know and you’ll receive 100% of your money back.

Here’s what clients have shared after working with us

Awesome testimonial 1

Don’t even second guess it. I was led to Erik by sheer coincidence and once I started listening to his meditations and activations I just knew I needed his and John’s assistance in order for me to move forward into my soul’s purpose in being able to heal others. If I was to continue my work as a healer then of course I needed to first heal myself.

John and Erik as I mentioned are incredibly special and gifted souls here to help us find our true light and voice. In order to grow we must do the work and as I mentioned this journey can and will bring up levels of discomfort, however what lies beyond is where the true magic lies.

Erik and John, I love you both and thank you so deeply for helping me to find and shine my light and voice. xxx

Helen Mullan

Awesome testimonial 2

You will discover what it means to ‘do the work’. Working with John & Erik is not love & light or spiritual entertainment/bypass that is designed to soothe your discomfort. I can tell you that it was challenging, uncomfortable, confronting and frustrating at times.

But the freedom that you experience on the other side was well worth it. You do not heal by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

Just be aware that this work requires humility and commitment. John and Erik will support you, but you also have to participate in your own healing.

They have helped me recognise my blind spots by guiding me towards the truth. I feel grounded and centred. I feel more in my body. I am able to sit with the discomfort/emotions that I feel and transmute them instead of holding on to them in my body.

The biggest difference that I feel is I am showing up more as my authentic self.

Edwin Brazali

Awesome testimonial 3

Life before John and Eric and the deep work they helped me accomplish was really depressing. I had absolutely no boundaries (I had no clue what boundary meant tbh), I had no awareness of my direction, I had no trust in my own decisions, I had very limited love for myself, my body, my family and friends, I was scared of my true potential and was sabotaging myself to stay where I was.

Working with John and Eric was like a slow peeling of layers of my ego, I slowly started grasping who I was, where I was going, and how I’m supposed to get there. During the period I was working with them I felt pulls to go back to my old ways of existential depression, but I had a much stronger awareness of what was occurring and a clarity to analyse what was happening to me and how to survive my speed bumps. Life slowly got better but there sure were times when I was scared of what was next, and I felt myself transform every time I had a session with them, but like transform 17 levels higher than the usual .5 I’d get anywhere else. And the people around me are used to the younger me, so these transformations were tough for both them and I.

Life now is like turning 15 unnecessary chapters of a book and continuing on from there without a worry in the world. I have a new perspective on what it means to ‘integrate the shadow’ and I live it. I have gained life long and life changing tools to transform my life further and further everyday. The biggest thing that I find the most important is that I have completely no shame around my feelings or guilt around them either, which in turn means that I am less in my head every moment and more in my body, able to be a man and disassociate from the feelings when needed and feel them when it’s safe to. It’s like I am the true master of myself and my heart as I was always ment to be, I am me, not what you see me as, I am just me and I have no one to prove anything to.

David Gligorevic

Awesome testimonial 4

These two kind, cosmic, powerful HEROES bring you back and BEYOND.

The live session they beautifully presented to so many of us across the globe today was monumental on all levels.

As a woman I felt completely seen, held, supported and even safe. I was safe to release, Erik even encouraging a much needed (private) scream from me.

The power these men, healers, exude the gifts they offer is mind blowing and very verrrry cool. I’ve been deeply lastingly affected by these two and their session. Thank you warrior Kings, because of you I’m soooo much more ME. All over zoom too eh. Genius. Cosmic heroic geniuses. TRY THESE SESSIONS OUT FOLKS no thinking just do it. You’ll see.

Hannah Binns

Check out some further testimonials here.

Frequently asked questions

What dates are the live sessions?

The first months dates are as follows:

  • Thurs 6th May 
  • Thurs 13th May 
  • Thurs 20th May 

To account for the different time zones of everyone in the group, time and further dates to follow.

What if I don’t like the program?

If you attend all of the sessions, complete the program in full to the best of your ability and you do not feel that your expectations were exceeded we will be happy to offer you a refund.

Do I need to attend the sessions live?

No, the sessions will all be recorded and whilst it would be great to be on the call if you have any questions, there will be a Telegram group where all your questions can be answered.

What results can I expect from doing this?

You will experience a new you. one that exudes the confidence that you have always dreamt of. Feeling more comfortable in your body. Feeling more peace to be here on earth as well as more clarity of what it is that you came here to do. Doing the courageous things from a grounded place will become your norm, speaking your truth in a grounded way will become your norm. 

You will follow your heart with no questions asked. 

What kind of access do I have to Erik and John?

You will have unlimited access through the telegram group where videos, voice and written questions, comments and expressions are all highly encouraged.

How much time do I need to invest to get the benefits?

The more time that you give to this, the more profound your results will be. No results are guaranteed and all is subject to your own commitment and input. 

Is payment safe?

Yes, we use Stripe which has buyer protection for you and industry standard encryption.

I've got another question that's not listed here

Feel free to contact us on our contact page and we will get back to you. Click here to go to the contact page.

Make an investment in your future

For those committed and looking to completely transform their life in a truly short period of time the exchange is AUD $3995.

Only 16 places available.

Start date: 6th May 2021

If you have any questions about joining the program feel free to contact us on our contact page here.

Pay in Full Now

AUD $3995

Secure your place and get in quick!


AUD $500

Pay your deposit to secure your place! Balance of AUD $3495 due by 10th April.

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